Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Relocation of the Willnam Working and Service Building Essay

The Relocation of the Willnam Working and Service Building - Essay Example In this paper, the researcher will first present a detailed analysis of the main procedure regarding the timing of activities and the total float. For determining the activity time the researchers assign an appropriate timeline to each project activity. This time is given through some analytical or statistical study. Here the researchers make use of these methods to observe the main project achievement and development time. By this time the researchers obtain a project main timeline for the project execution. Here the researchers also assign the opposite sequence to each activity of the project. Through these assigned activity sequencing, the expansion of a project network diagram is developed. This procedure is able to be pretty time intense if completed by hand. Luckily, there are development organization software tools that be able to build network illustrations although there can be an illustration where the researchers have to perform it by hand. One of the main causes for build ing a plan organization network drawing is to decide the elasticity of the network. Total float is the time accessible for holding-up a movement with no hold-up end Date of the plan. The entire float of a task is then the biggest probable hold-up in the finishing of this task that will not reason a hold-up in the achievement of the whole project. This recommends the succeeding automatic notion: The CP (critical path) is the preeminent time's path in the course of the network diagram that makes a decision about the direct quantity of time projected for the achievement of a project. As planning, the CP attributes and activities naturally have a float equivalent to 0 (zero). To decide critical path actions, intact Float is computed per duty. Project activities that are not programmed in the CP will have the float. The process for the computation of the Total Float is the divergence between the Early Start and Late Start or like this (LS-ES). The researchers can also have an additional way for that is the difference between Early Finish and Late Finish or (LF-EF). To achieve the basic values to find the Total Float, every achievement would have to go in the course of the presumptuous pass to work out the untimed values as well as the rearward pass to compute the not on time values, subsequently that the â€Å"Total Float† method could be purposeful to every job. For the reason that this is capable to be fairly time overwhelming, the subsequent shortcut is able to decrease the time it acquires to compute Total Float: To decide the entire Float considered for the leftover tasks, go away to the subsequently top pathway.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Classroom Management Essay Example for Free

Classroom Management Essay You are the teacher of a 5th grade class. Two students finished their assignment early, one student arrived late, and one student is not attempting the assignment. Being able to have the skills to handle situations like this takes practice and experience. The skills that are required are the ones that complete Jacob Kounin’s Classroom Management Model, â€Å"Lesson Movement. † Kounin’s theory on classroom management was the first to integrate instructional and disciplinary aspects of the classroom. The basis of the model is for teachers to be organized, prepared, and use proactive behavioral management combined with high student involvement with the goal of leading to a more effective classroom while minimizing disruptive behavior. Kounin coins his theory as Lesson Movement, comprised of techniques called: withitness, overlapping, momentum, smoothness, and group focus (â€Å"Classroom Management Theorist and Theories/Jacob Kounin,† 2009). Withitness is the ability of a teacher to know everything that is going on in his/her classroom at all times to prevent discipline problems before they occurred. However, as important as it is for teachers to achieve this skill, it is just as important for students to believe they their teacher is â€Å"withit. † Students will still act disruptively if they feel the teacher does not notice them. Some ways that teachers can display this technique are: consistently suppress misbehaviors of exactly those students who began the problem; dealing with the more serious of two discipline problems occurring simultaneously; and decisively handling off-task behavior before it gets out of hand or imitated by other students(â€Å"Whom are We Talking About: Jacob Kounin,† 2008). Similar to withitness, overlapping involves the ability to attend to multiple classroom events at one time, and avoiding fixating on one event at the expense of all other classroom activities. For example, if a teacher is conducting small group assignments, and a pair is off task, a teacher may address them from a distance while still conducting the activity. (â€Å"The Kounin Model,† 2008). Momentum is keeping the lesson moving briskly, requiring the teacher to plan effectively to avoid slow downs. Kounin believes that teachers should not lecture for a long period of time to allow students to gain knowledge by moving around and maximizing their allotted time. By minimizing delays and interruptions, causes students will not lose interest and misbehave. (Charles, 1989). In conjunction with momentum is smoothness. While lecturing, a teacher must maintain direction and not drift off on tangents, be diverted with irrelevant questions and information or fall victim to â€Å"flip flops,† â€Å"dangles,† or â€Å"truncation. †Otherwise, students will be confused and act out from loss of interest. (â€Å"Classroom Management Theorist and Theories/Jacob Kounin,† 2009) Lastly, Kounin refers to group focus as the ability to engage the whole class. Some techniques he offers are: building suspense or ask community questions Though community questions may appear random, it draws the group’s attention and intrigue. The teacher must incorporate procedures to handle multiple situations at once to maintain group focus. For example, if a student completes an assignment early, he/she must have a back up plan such as providing another assignment or enrichment activity while he/she helps other students that are struggling (â€Å"Classroom Management Theorist and Theories/Jacob Kounin,† 2009). Kounin’s Model of Classroom Management is an important topic for teacher’s today, because it is one of the most difficult skills to acquire. Student-centered classrooms and discovery lessons are becoming much more popular in our classrooms, leading to a more active learning environment. Being able to handle multiple situations at once, keeping students engaged, maintaining momentum and smoothness in your lessons and transitions takes experience. These are the most difficult techniques for a first year teacher to learn; therefore, making them a habit during that year will allow for mastery of these skills to occur. I believe that Kounin’s Model is important to develop an effective classroom environment; however, discipline problems will occur, no matter the amount of preventive planning a teacher makes. Kounin does not address his procedures for disciplining, if he would or would not discipline children differently, nor does he address misbehaving as a response to some factor that is outside of the teacher’s control. As a teacher, I would incorporate Kounin’s theory in my teaching planning and practices, though remembering that each student may require different accommodations. References Charles, C. M. (1989) Building Classroom discipline: from models to practice. New York City, New York: Longmans Inc.. Teacher Matters, (2008). The Kounin Model. Retrieved May 31, 2009 Teacher Matters http://www. teachermatters. com/index. php? option=com_contentview=articleid=9:kounin-modelcatid=4:models-of-disciplineItemid=4 WikiBooks, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (2009). Overview/History of Jacob Kounin’s Work. Retrieved May 28, 2009, from http://en. wikibooks. org/wiki/Classroom_Management_Theorist_and_Theories/Jacob_Kounin WikiEd. (2008). Whom are we talking about: Jacob Kounin. Retrieved June 8, 2009 from http://wik. ed. uiuc. edu/index. php/Kounin,_Jacob.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Good Things About Oregons New Driving Law :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oregon’s new driving law is going to make a major difference The new law changes the ages of becoming a fully licensed driver. The new program goes in three steps instead of two like the current program. It works like this: When a potential driver is 15, he can get his learners permit. He must have a licensed adult with him at all times while driving. When he turns 16, he can get a license that only allows him to drive during the day and never with any other teenagers in the car when by himself. Then, when he turns 18, he can get a full license. The law is designed to foster the development of maturity in teens, , and the new law has worked successfully in other states.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The new driving program is made to fit the maturity level of teens better than the current one. It gives teens a chance to learn to drive, but during the period of time in a teens life that causes, cuts out some of the most major distractions that cause accidents like night driving and when there are other teens in the car. This, many lawmakers believe, should help reduce the number of accidents and car-related deaths drastically. Many young drivers, like myself, hope it will help lower the price of insurance so that we will have a little more money in our pockets for the future. This is one reason why the new law is going to make driving safer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another big distraction eliminated with Oregon’s new driving law is the presence of other teenagers in the car. Studies have shown that the chance of an accident by a teen driver is greatly increased with the presence of teen passengers. The main theory behind that is that teens like to show off to their piers and in so doing so can kill them because of inexperience or plain stupidity. Many politicians, lawmakers, and drivers hope this will help eliminate a fair amount of the wreckless driving that takes too many peoples lives each year.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another hopeful sign of the new law is that it has already been used in other states showing promising results. Car-related teen deaths and accidents dropped a significant amount in other states like Georgia and South Carolina. Many people are looking forward to seeing those same results here.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many teens don’t agree with the new law because they want to get their drivers licenses

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Two Ways of Seeing a River (1883)

This passage is excerpted from Mark Twain’s 1883 book Life on the Mississippi, in which he shares his experiences as a river steamboat pilot and explores the many facets of the great river. As you read, consider his masterful use of language as he reflects on his changing relationship with the river. Now when I had mastered the language of this water and had come to know every trifling feature that bordered the great river as familiarly as I knew the letters of the alphabet, I had made a valuable acquisition. But I had lost something, too. I had lost something which could never be restored to me while I lived. All the grace, the beauty, the poetry, had gone out of the majestic river! I still kept in mind a certain wonderful sunset which I witnessed when steamboating was new to me. A broad expanse of the river was turned to blood; in the middle distance the red hue brightened into gold, through which a solitary log came floating, black and conspicuous; in one place a long, slanting mark lay sparkling upon the water; in another the surface was broken by boiling, tumbling rings that were as many-tinted as an opal; where the ruddy flush was faintest was a smooth spot that was covered with graceful circles and radiating lines, ever so delicately traced; the shore on our left was densely wooded, and the somber shadow that fell from this forest was broken in one place by a long, ruffled trail that shone like silver; and high above the forest wall a clean-stemmed dead tree waved a single leafy bough that glowed like a flame in the unobstructed splendor that was flowing from the sun. There were graceful curves, reflected images, woody heights, soft distances, and over the whole scene, far and near, the dissolving lights drifted steadily, enriching it every passing moment with new marvels of coloring. I stood like one bewitched. I drank it in, in a speechless rapture. The world was new to me and I had never seen anything like this at home. But as I have said, a day came when I began to cease from noting the glories and the charms which the moon and the sun and the twilight wrought upon the river’s face; another day came when I ceased altogether to note them. Then, if that sunset scene had been repeated, I should have looked upon it without rapture and should have commented upon it inwardly after this fashion: â€Å"This sun means that we re going to have wind tomorrow; that floating log means that the river is rising, small thanks to it; that slanting mark on the water refers to a bluff reef which is going to kill somebody’s steamboat one of these nights, if it keeps on stretching out like that; those tumbling ‘boils’ show a dissolving bar and a changing channel there; the lines and circles in the slick water over yonder are a warning that that troublesome place is shoaling up dangerously; that silver streak in the shadow of the forest is the ‘break’ from a new snag and he has located himself in the very best place he could have found to fish for steamboats; that tall dead tree, with a single living. Two Ways of Seeing a River ranch, is not going to last long, and then how is a body ever going to get through this blind place at night without the friendly old landmark? † No, the romance and beauty were all gone from the river. All the value any feature of it had for me now was the amount of usefulness it could furnish toward compassing the safe piloting of a steamboat. Since those days, I have pitied doctors from my heart. What does the lovely flush in a beauty’s cheek mean to a doctor but a â€Å"break† that ripples above some deadly disease? Are not all her visible charms sown thick with what are to him the signs and symbols of hidden decay? Does he ever see her beauty at all, or doesn’t he simply view her professionally and comment upon her unwholesome condition all to himself? And doesn’t he sometimes wonder whether he has gained most or lost most by learning his trade? 1. What is Twain’s argument here? What is his claim? What are his reasons? How does he construct his essay to help the reader be persuaded by his claim? How does he draw connections between the ideas in the first two paragraphs and those in the third? 2. What is the purpose of Twain’s argument? To explore? Inform? Convince? Meditate or pray? Something else? 3. Twain is known for his beautiful, rich use of language. Find the phrases or images that are the most powerful to you. What tools of stylish language are he using? How do they help make his argument persuasive?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nature Versus Nurture: Humans Should Morally Become Vegetarians Essay

To many, it is very acceptable and seemingly natural that humans include meat in their common diet. This practice can be found historically and globally across many countries and cultures. It is undeniable that humans are omnivores and have been for the past many millenniums. However, is consuming meat actually natural? What is acceptable may not be natural and may have become acceptable due to our environment and nurture, and it is important to distinguish between the two, as popular acceptance does not equal to moral rightness. In Animal Liberation, Peter Singer argues that, as animals have the ability to feel pain and pleasure, they have sentience and hence, are subject to the equal moral worth as human beings. Therefore he claims that it is only moral that most of us ought to opt for a vegetarian lifestyle. I agree with Singer on this claim based on the Natural Law Theory and with scientific proof that animals indeed have a sentience and also based on our natural physiological design. Singer argues that equality should not be limited only to humans and points out that beings with a sentience should be entitled to equal consideration of their interests (Singer, 1990), with sentience being the ability to perceive through the senses. This is perfectly reasonable as there is ethological evidence that animals do have sentience on several cases, such as sheep being able to recognize faces, prairie dogs speaking their own language. Furthermore, elephants bury their dead, gibbons take care of their elderly, and male bats babysit young bats that are not their offspring while their mothers are out hunting (Basile, 2005). These animals need not do these actions, as these actions are not necessary for their own survival, nor do their own progeny’s survival depend on them. However, these altruistic deeds show that animals do not merely act on instinct. Moreover, emotions are present in animals such as chimpanzees showing excitement and joy when they are allowed out in the sun. Also, sadly, works of Dr. Donna Haraway, a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, show that maternal deprivation, abuse and total isolation are shown to cause severe trauma in infant monkeys (as cited in Weisberg, 2009). The Natural Law Theory states that â€Å"good and right a direct function of the way things are naturally† and the good of human comes from realization of what is natural (VanDeVeer & Pierce, 2003). This law also supports anthropocentrism with â€Å"anthropo† being humanlike, with regards to sentience. When this theory was proposed, it was thought that only humans had the capability of being sentient and put human as of most importance. However, since some animals are now proven to have sentience, and arguably, morals as well, should they not be entitled to their own rights and interests as well? One might argue that since some animals, such as clams, cannot be proven to have emotions or morals, and hence it is morally acceptable to harvest them as food. However, this argument contains a fallacy of ignorance and is equivalent to arguing the Moon emits light before it was proven that in fact, it reflected the light from the Sun. Non-existence of an object should not be accepted simply because it has not yet been proven. Another objection to the equality of interests of animals may ensue from the natural state of the ecosystem: humans are at the top of the food chain and it is natural to consume beings positioned below us. And since the Natural Law Theory focuses on humans’ capacities, tendencies and desires, it is morally correct to consume meat as human beings. This is yet another fallacy of ignorance to what is natural. In fact, researchers have shown that humans are physiologically designed to be herbivores, and according to Dr. T. Colin Campbell, professor emeritus at Cornell University and author of The China Study, we have only started consuming meat around 10,000 years ago, which is recent in our years of evolution (as cited in Freston, 2009). Meat consumption is not essential for human survival and our omnivore tendency is out of choice, not of need. The anatomy of a human being is strikingly similar to one of a herbivore’s. Our not-so-sharp canine teeth and molar teeth are designed to optimize not the tearing of meat, but the chewing and grinding of fibrous plants. Also, carnivores have very short intestinal tracts, which is approximately three times its body length. However, a herbivore’s intestinal tract is around 12 times the body length, and human beings are extremely close to herbivores than carnivores. Also, humans lack the essential amino acids to properly digest meat and â€Å"It is clear that humankind’s gastrointestinal tract is designed for a purely plant-food diet. † (Mills, 2009). On a health perspective, meat eaters are found to be at a much higher risk of having intestinal cancer and heart disesse than those who opt for a vegetarian or even vegan diet. Towell, 2009) Since being vegetarian ultimately benefits humans and therefore flourishes humankind, fulfilling the Natural Law Theory, one can come to reason that being a vegetarian is morally correct and most should follow this lifestyle. However, it should also be pointed out that in some cases, if the human is extreme deficiency of a substance such as the vi tamin B12, and in that situation, meat contains enough of such substance that benefits the human in a much shorter time domain than choosing the vegetable alternative would, then the human should be allowed to consume meat for the sake of an utilitarianism view, as Singer supports. Since the interests of all beings count, the instant relieve of the human being leads to the longer pleasure from not being sick, and would maximize the net worth of happiness. Therefore, it is morally accepted, so long that the animal sacrificed in this case is treated as humanely as possible and with the least amount of pain inflicted upon it. Although we cannot deny that humans have more factual superiority, it does not mean we can abuse that power and forcefully consume animals against their will only to fulfill our unnatural tendencies and lust for meat. It is immoral to consume meat simply because years of nurture has made it seemingly acceptable and as a species with higher intelligence, we must take the responsibility to distinguish between nature and nurture, while ensuring the wellbeing of our moral equals and taking their interests into consideration.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

World War Ii Dbq Essays

World War Ii Dbq Essays World War Ii Dbq Essay World War Ii Dbq Essay Essay Topic: Orlando World War II DBQ After the deaths of 37,508,686 soldiers by the end of World War I, Europe was a mess. Countries had been dissolved and rearranged, governments had fallen and been replaced, and economies were thriving then crashing, all as a result from World War I. One of the main goals at the end of World War I was to prevent another tragedy like World War I from happening again. Clearly that did not happen, as World War II still happened, causing over 50 million deaths. The repercussions of World War I caused World War II due to radical ideology, bad economic conditions, and nationalism to the point of extremity. The rise of Fascism in Italy contributed to World War II because of it’s militaristic and nationalistic nature. When the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919, Italy, which had suffered 2,197,000 soldiers either wounded or killed, but claimed to not get the territory or status that it deserved. This caused parliamentary instability within Italy, which gave Benito Mussolini a place to promote a form of government that would provide a scapegoat of the political and economic chaos in Italy, Fascism. One of the main goals that fascism promised to the people is the â€Å"conception of the State, its character, its duty, and its aim. † (Document #7). Depending on how dedicated the people were to the state determined their status. This pressure that was placed upon nationalism was not new in Europe, for the beginning of Germany’s movement to National Socialism, or Nazism, was beginning in the 1920’s, and on October 28, 1922, Il Duche and his Fascist followers did the March on Rome, and on November 9, 1923, the Beer Hall Putsch was Hitler’s attempt at a revolution, attempting to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, and Germany. This militaristic and nationalistic form of government contributed to World War II, but Italy was not the only country in Europe with this radical political ideology. The rise of Nazism in Germany contributed to World War II because of it’s militaristic nature and going against the League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles. World War I left Germany a mess, both economically and politically. The Weimar Republic was set in place, and the War Guilt Clause which stated that â€Å"Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to the Allied and Associated Governments † (Document #1). Aside from having to accept the charges from all of the damage done in the war, â€Å"The provinces of Posen and almost the whole of West Prussia are to be separated from the German Empire † (Document #2). Much like the economy of Italy, Germany’s economy was in a slump, with a 26% unemployment rate. This terrible economy along with the increased number of Germans disliking the Weimar Republic allowed Adolf Hitler, a failed artist, to rise up. Hitler’s political system of National Socialism, or Nazism, promised the German people a way out of their economic hardships and to make Germany rise as a world power once again. Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany in 1933 by democratic means. His votes, mainly by farmers, small businessmen, civil servants and young people made Nazi party the most popular in the country. When President Paul von Hindenburg invited Hitler to form a government, Hitler persuaded von Hindenburg that Germany was on the verge of a Communist revolution, so the emergency laws would have to be in place. Once the emergency laws, which allowed a dictatorship, were established, the Nazi party was able to gain full power in Germany. Much like the Fascist Italy, this form of radical ideology was a major contributor, to World War II, along with the crimes against the League of Nations. Germany’s invasion of territories lost during World War I and Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 against the League of Nations contributed to the cause of World War II. One of the first actions taken by Hitler was to regain all of the territories that were taken away as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, which was directly against what the Treaty of Versailles said. The British found out about Hitler â€Å"reoccupying the Rhineland† (Document #9),a direct violation against the League of Nations. Woodrow Wilson, the President of the United States in 1918, proposed the idea of an international peace-keeping organization in his 14 Points speech. Germany was allowed to join the League of Nations through the Treaty of Locarno in 1925, in hopes that this organization would be able to help prevent any future world wars. Another violation of the League of Nations was Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia in 1935. In World War I, Italy started out fighting on the side of the Germans and the Austrians and switched sides halfway through the war. The invasion of Ethiopia was a direct violation of Article X of the League of Nations, because not only was Ethiopia a member of the League of Nations, but the invasion resulted in the Italo-Ethiopian War, which started in October of 1935, right after Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia. The Italians violated the rules of the League of Nations, but Germany also violated the Treaty of Versailles. Due to Germany taking back the colonies lost after World War I and forming an alliance with Austria, Germany’s actions against the Treaty of Versailles contributed to the cause of World War II. After Germany got slapped with a $33 Billion dollar war reparation bill and Kaiser Wilhelm was removed from power, Germany was a mess, which allowed the rise of Hitler. Hitler, being a former Iron Cross winning â€Å"Gefreiter†, or Private First Class in World War I, believed that Germany was forced into signing the Treaty of Versailles. The bitterness he held facing the Treaty of Versailles continued on throughout his leadership, which is why some of the first places that he attacked were those that had been lost during World War I, such as the Rhinelands, which â€Å"was a complete reoccupation, not merely an attempt at remilitarization, but actual and complete remilitarization †(Document #10). Another restriction that was placed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles was the prevention of an alliance with Austria. After World War I, Austria-Hungary was dissolved into Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, and parts of it into Italy and Poland. The Treaty of Versailles was created by the Big 4- David Lloyd George of England, George Clemenceau of France, Woodrow Wilson of the United States and Vittorio Orlando of Italy, although Orlando was frequently on the sidelines. Even the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain says that â€Å"His Majesty’s Government were not within their rights in interesting themselves in the independence of Austria †(Document #11). Radical ideology throughout Europe in the 1920’s and 30’s was a major player in World War II, but bad economic conditions helped to cause the bloodiest war in history. The high unemployment rate and high inflation contributed to the cause of World War II. When the Weimar Republic was installed in Germany in 1919, Germany along with the rest of the world was producing goods at a war-like rate. When a country produces goods like this for so long, â€Å"the vast expenditures of the war, the inflation of prices and the depreciation of currency, †(Document #3) cause a country to go into a depression. When the Weimar Republic was ending it’s 14 year stand to Hitler and Nazism, the unemployment rate was 26%. This was reflected in the proletariats, or the non-working class in this case because â€Å"Whole families had piled all their goods into baby carriages and wheelbarrows that they were pushing along as they plodded forward in a dumb despair. †(Document #8). Even the Great Depression in the United States in 1929 only got to 25% unemployed. The Depression in the United States caused problems in Germany, with a decline in industrial production of over 30%, and in 1933, the percentage of workers that were unemployed in 1933 hit 36. 2%, or 9 out of every 25 people was unemployed. Between January of 1933 and January of 1939, the total number of people unemployed went from 6 million to 302,000, or a 5, 698,000 person difference. This number kept on decreasing, but it is not the pure cause of the Nazism government. Between women not being needed in the working force after World War I, Jews losing their citizenship in 1935 and the young men that were needed for World War II in 1939, there were less people involved in the work force to begin with. Between German housewives using Reichmarks to burn instead of wood and â€Å"an almost unbroken chain of homeless men extends the whole length of the great Hamburg-Berlin highway (Document #8), paying for the damages Germany had caused was not on the top of their list. The $33 billion dollar war reparation Germany had to pay in response to World War I was a major contributor to World War II. One of the main problems that Germany encountered was a $33 billion dollar war reparation that was a part of the Treaty of Versail les. However, since Germany had just lost a major world war, Germany did not have the means to pay back Britain and France right away. In fact, Germany wouldn’t finish paying back the debts until October of 2010. Germany’s economy was already down the drain which could already lead to a â€Å"rapid depression of the standard of life of the European populations to a point which will mean actual starvation for some †(Document #3). Britain and France were dependent on Germany to pay back the $33 billion to help kick start their own economies. The British and the French were paying the United States who were funneling to Germany, so when Germany was not able to pay up, it lead to a worldwide economic crisis, not just German. The Germans already agreed to â€Å"make compensation for all damage done to the civilian population of the Allied and Associated Powers and to their property †(Document #1). Aside from the support from the United States, Russia, with it’s New Economic Policy installed by Joseph Stalin, or Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, was also able to loan money to Germany. Germany was also spending close to $30 billion dollars every year, which certainly does not help the economy. he Reichmark losing worth by the hour was not the sole cause of World War II, the colorful signs of propaganda and the emphasis on nationalism contributed as well. The pull of propaganda and the fear to not be nationalistic contributed to the cause of World War II. Nationalism and pride for one’s country is present in every country: waving the flag, singing the national anthem, etc. However, once your status in the government is being decided by your dedication to your country and citizens are be ing taught that â€Å"all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived of in their relation to the State (Document #7), pride for your country becomes an understatement. In Germany, colorful signs coated the streets of Berlin varying from the bomb shelters of England with Churchill scratching off the cities that had been bombed to a giant monster with a sword in it’s tongue, representing the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. These signs promoting war had a great effect on children, who were writing about how â€Å"war gives them the opportunity to develop their talents. Without war the world would have fewer great men †(Document #6). Hitler Youth was created to appeal to the German children. It was considered useless to stay at home and do nothing because â€Å"it is sweet to die for the Fatherland. The dead of the enemy live in the memory of the victor. †(Document #6). Certainly flashy posters and appealing to children wasn’t the only reason why World War II happened, but creating the ideal German race certainly did help. Germany’s blaming of the non-Aryans to use as a scapegoat from the problems of World War I contributed to the cause of World War II. The Aryans are by definition, not a race. They are just a person that spoke and Indo-European language. However, Hitler believed that there was and ideal German race, and â€Å"what we see before us of human culture today, the results of art, science, and techniques, is almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan †(Document #4). This ideal race, which Hitler himself did not even fit, had blonde hair and blue eyes. Hitler never wanted to father a child because he felt that he was not able to produce one of the ideal race because his nose was too â€Å"Jewish† looking. Hitler believed that a Jew was the complete opposite to the Aryan. The only way that would be able to stop these non-Aryans from destroying the culture was to eliminate them so â€Å"never again can its consequences be removed from the body and the mind. †(Document #4). During the Holocaust, or the Nazi’s systematic genocide of the non-Aryan people (Jews, Communist, homosexuals, Gypsies, etc. ), Hitler eliminated close to 2/3 of Europe’s Jewish population, almost 6 million, and in total the number of Holocaust victims was between 11 and 17 million people. With the total death count of 56, 125,262, and the estimated number of people serving racking in at 1. 9 billion people, World War II was the bloodiest war the world has ever seen. The consequences of World War I caused World War II because of radical ideology, bad economic conditions, and nationalism to the point of extremity. Hitler is now buried under a garbage dump in what used to be East Germany, and as far as history knows, we’ve done a pretty good job preventing World War III so far. â€Å"A people free to choose will always choose peace. †- President Ronald Regean

Monday, October 21, 2019

why canada should legalize pot essays

why canada should legalize pot essays Canadian society has always been raised on the fact that marijuana is evil. It is an outlawed drug only for dropouts, criminals and life failures, with no economic value or reasons for its existence. Recently in Canada, the issue of legalizing this so called gateway drug is being seriously taken into consideration and debated upon by the countries leaders. Canadians began to change their perspective of this plant as they become more informed of its benefits to society. Over the last decade many conservative citizens would never waste their time fighting for the legalization of marijuana but now it is as if Canadians believe this drug is no longer a threat but more a boost to society, and the consequences relating to marijuana are too harsh. Marijuana is an illegal substance and however it could benefit Canadian society if it was legalized. When Canada entered confederation in 1867 marijuana was a legal substance. It was not until the 1923 Opium and Drug act was signed that Canada was a marijuana free country. Throughout the next seventy-seven years this plant was being illegally smoked by many citizens while scientists underwent the studies of its positive characteristics. They discovered that the main chemical in the cannabis plant was THC. THC acts as a medication or treatment for many illnesses. In 2000 Canadians argued the Federal Court over the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes and won. It was legalized for medicinal purposes based on the fact that it violated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms [section 7]. On July 31st, 2002 Canada became the first country to legalize marijuana for medicinal uses. This law was recently changed on October 7th, 2003 when the Ontario Court Appeal (OCA) abused the system and let almost any citizen claim they were in need of marijuana for medicinal purposes w ithout thorough inspection. To solve the problem a new product was created in a Winnipeg lab called ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Best Ways to Soothe Hot Pepper Burning

The Best Ways to Soothe Hot Pepper Burning Hot peppers can add a kick to spicy foods, but if you get it on your hands or in your eyes or eat one thats just too hot, you should know how to take away the burn. Why Hot Peppers Burn In order to soothe the burn of a hot pepper, it helps to understand why it feels hot. The sensation of heat comes from capsaicin, the active compound in hot peppers, binding to the sensory receptors in your mouth or skin that detect heat. These neurons fire off a painful warning when they detect a temperature hot enough to harm tissue. Your body reacts to capsaicin the same as it would to a high temperature, even though no actual heat is present. To stop the burn, you have to remove the capsaicin from the binding site or dilute it so the sensation isnt as intense. How to Make Hot Peppers Stop Burning The key is to either absorb the capsaicin or dissolve it. If you have hot peppers on your hands, youll just spread it around if you try to rinse it with water. You can remove capsaicin by wiping it away using vegetable oil or butter or you can use dishwashing soap to lift it off the skin. Rinsing your hands in dilute bleach solution also helps. Any food that acts like a sponge due to sheer bulk will help absorb the heat and mellow it. You can dissolve capsaicin in alcohol, but it cant be too diluted. A shot of tequila might help, while a sip from a margarita would be pointless. Food thats high in oil or fat dissolves the capsaicin, so it cant continue to bind heat receptors. Your best bet? Full fat sour cream or ice cream. Dairy (sour cream, milk, cheese, ice cream): The fat helps dissolve the capsaicin.Oil or oily foods: If you can stand it, swish oil around in your mouth and spit it out to clear the burn. For a tastier option eat a spoonful of peanut butter or honey.Acidic food: Acidic foods, like lemons, limes, and tomatoes, help to neutralize some of the activity of alkaline capsaicinoids.Bulky food, like chips, rice or bread: Starchy foods act like sponges, soaking up excess capsaicin. These foods wont cool the burn, but theyll keep it from getting worse over time.Sugar: The Scoville scale, used to measure the heat of a pepper, was based on how much sugar water it takes to dilute a pepper to where it doesnt burn. How to Make It Even Worse If youve eaten a spicy pepper and you think the heat is unbearable, depending on what you eat or drink to soothe the burn you can make it a lot worse! Foods that are mostly water just spread the capsaicin around, sort of like an oil spill on water. Even if your food or drink is icy cold, it wont help the problem. Liquids that will only make the burn worse include water, beer, coffee, and soda. The alcohol in beer or wine wont dissolve the capsaicin, but if you ingest enough alcohol, the burn from hot peppers wont be as uncomfortable. Thats simply intoxication dulling your senses and not any reaction with the hot pepper.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tax Accountant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tax Accountant - Essay Example Being perfect in mathematics I am keenly interested in this profession. As description, a tax accountant prepares both business and personal tax returns as well; and by calculating appreciation or depreciation the accountant maintain client property records. In addition, as Fitch (2007) states, a tax accountant carries out research in areas of tax law and regulations to recommend changes in accounting practices to reduce tax liability. Not only that, a tax accountant prepares special tax reports and represents the organization /firm at tax hearings (p. 78). So to be clear with all these responsibilities I need to communicate with clients regarding all tax issues, review and monitor the work of junior accountants and interns. As we know that taxation is an always changing field so I would concentrate my work in a particular area. From the above, we can see that different doors open to excel in this field. My strategy through this career would be to become an entrepreneur and open own tax accounting practice. The services would include assistance for the preparation of the annual tax forms for individuals and businesses in addition to advising services in business and personal finance to ensure clients the best possible tax savings and other advantages. This would be useful to rise up the business and to fetch out the skills essential to survive in cut throat competition. Hence, to fulfill my long term plan I am willing to take employment within a large and well established enterprise. Mostly, large organizations, particularly within the financial services industry, a team of accountants are employed exclusively for preparing and recording the firms taxes. According to me, advancing within a field or organization is a better and fruitful choice rather than changing fields. The prominent reason is that I can gain experience and

Innovation and Change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Innovation and Change - Assignment Example However it depends upon various factors including willingness to bring a change, vision for change, determination as well as leadership qualities, certainty of progress in right direction and guidance (Jarret, 2009). Different people have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to finding a solution for their problems, but it is the circumstances due to which they come up with something extra ordinary and contribute to the process of innovation (Mayle, 2006). According to Rosanne Cash â€Å"The key to change... is to let go of fear†. A change can only occur when people let their guard off and let things happen as they please. Innovation on the other hand is derived from a Latin word that means â€Å"to introduce something new to the existing realm and order of things†. In simple words it’s kind of a small revolution in its self (Shavinina 2003). Innovation or change does not occur randomly but thoughts and effort is put into the process to implement a su ccessful change. Lots of decision making goes into this process which is affected by mental models, personal bias and stereotypes that consistently influence the decision makers during statistical computation (Jarret 2009). This does not mean that decisions made are effective sometimes they can be flawed as well. In fact many times the greatest obstacle in the way of innovative change is the flawed human judgment. For example, mergers largely fail to achieve potential. Failure in achieving an effective change can be due to many factors like lack of vision, poor processing, inappropriate business strategies etc. but being able to manage a flawed judgment is the key to survival. Change has to be strategized in a way that leads to successful future yet satisfies short term requirements (Holbeche 2006). Theories of Innovation and Change Different theories about innovation have been brought by different scholar that are being seen practically implemented on to this world such theories as presented by Max Weber, Nisbet, etc are important to be discussed so that change innovation can be well comprehended. With the existence of social science there have been untimely diverse changes in the society. The theory that emerged from Robert Nisbet was the first time people started noticing that there is link between change and society with its past and the present, and here started a new debate. Nisbet’s thesis presented the fact that there can be no reflection or study upon the social change evolving hence it is not measurable and it is distinguishable from the intellectual activity which is usually referred as history (Boudan 1986). Revolution can be defined as a social change that place within a very short period of time. Social change is made up of four factors that are; Modernization, Diffusion, cultural lag and indigenously initiated alteration within the systems. When society is not able to cope up with the forced factors that have been involved into it, change s in that society are inevitable and thus revolution comes into that society. Max Weber was the first person who thought that social changes are rather just not linked to the economics going on around people but to the entire social sciences that are revolving around us. These kinds of changes are important to be discussed and mentioned in researches where social communication is involved (Boudon 1986). Leadership of innovation and change: With the acceleration in the onset of change and innovation, leaders have to evaluate

Friday, October 18, 2019

Collapse Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Collapse Paper - Assignment Example Emergency medical evacuations will not be handled within the required time and paramedics will have a hard time navigating the streets in order to attend to patients. This paper will explore the possibilities of such an eventuality and propose a system that will counter its effects. Generally human populations want to thrive in a healthy environment and with it come the constant need to create opportunities that would help them realise the same. With the current trends of industrialisation and the use of fossil fuels human race survival is threatened more so their health and land resource from which life is derived. In this regard technology can come in handy by coming up with a system that could help civilizations adapt to the global change. In the case of the global health being threatened in a congested and developed city by climate change the system should be able to create a quick link between the patient and hospital. It should be able to depict the patients’ exact location and condition to facilitate speedy access and help. The system will comprise of three major components located at three different points. First the patient will be equipped with a temper proof wrists watch capable of monitoring normal body functions in this case heartbeat, respiration and blood pressure. This information will be relayed via radio to a central station/ database in this case the hospital where computers will interpret the data and signal a warning in case of any anomaly in the vital systems. Based on the complexity of the patients medical history which is stored in a remote database the wrist watch will either warn the patient and advice on steps for treatment or alert a medical team. In the case of patient being advised the system will automatically send a message to the patients regarding their status and refer them to the nearest health institution where they can be attended

National Hockey Leagues Advertising Campaign Assignment - 1

National Hockey Leagues Advertising Campaign - Assignment Example Beginning with the hegemonic masculinity, the paper further refers to Conell’s definition of hegemonic masculinity, as a dominance of ruling class, depicted by its control over the sports institutions and media. However, the author of this paper has defined the masculine hegemony, in the context of gender participation in hockey. Accordingly, the campaign is about the dominance of men in sports, projecting women in a subordinated role. Exploring the creation and development of â€Å"inside the Warrior’ theme, the author refers to the NHL’s 2004-2005 lockout season, which resulted in the re-launch of new professional entertainment product, ice hockey. The marketing techniques involved the use of Chinese philosophy and inclusion of female voice. The lockout season was the result of the hockey being transformed from a small game to big business that involved inflated payouts to the players. The resulting declines in the revenues of NHL prompted the league to formalize salary cap and finally the re-branding exercise. In the second part of the paper, the author refers to promotional strategies adopted by the theme conductors. According to the President of Conductor, Tom Cotton, the campaign had a mix of eastern and western strategies, with proverbial reference from China. Tom refers to the campaign as the product of one script, which was part of the content that could be developed into a multi-channel media plan. The first thing that strikes the mind is the use of the word, ’masculinity’ in the advertising campaign, which is being discussed in this article. There is every indication that the campaign has a gender bias, as it depicts the male superiority in the field of hockey. The author does not provide any research material, which could support the presentation of such bias. Even the fans and other participating personalities in the campaign belong to the male species only.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Chicano Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chicano - Essay Example These people belonged to the poorest families in rural areas of Mexico, and did not had any identity in the society, used the term Chicano during the Civil rights Movement in order to amalgamate themselves so that they can be recognized by the world. Chicano descendents reflected distinctive culture of Mexican Americans (Arturo, pp. 197-208). The natives speaking slang language with different pronunciations mocked these people, which was an insult for them. The basis of Chicano was contradictory, as the pronunciation and spelling of Spanish language revolutionized causing discrepancy in differentiating between Chicano and Mexicano, but it was apparent that the word Chicano did not have any effect from this language change. The dual identity of Chicanos entails that these people have neither U.S. origin nor they reflect the Mexican society. This combination of customs of both the nations makes them strive for their acceptance into the American society while retaining their Mexican tra ditions and practices (Arturo, pp. 41-55). A culture reflects the traditions, beliefs, practices, customs, and lifestyles of any society or race. Likewise, Chicano also pertain a diversified culture (Isabel, pp. 63-67). The aspects of Chicano culture are mainly literature, arts, and music. ... 47-61). The people of Chicano possess a very simple yet a colorful lifestyle. The life of Chicanos does not characterize by technology; therefore, they depend upon natural resources to acquire information. These people have poor housing and do not have the access to health facilities. Because of the cultural restrictions, Chicanos have to marry a person of opposite sex within the same race (Isabel, pp. 23-38). They have a strong family relationship, where members are interdependent, and elders are open to suggestions from youngster. Chicano cuisine is famous for its dishes that are very delicious due to inclusion of variety of chilies in it. The basic sources of food such as beans, corn, and peppers are present in huge quantities in their food. The people consume simple, healthy, balanced, and short meals on specific times during the day. Life, death, family bonding, and religious practices are of prime importance to them. They are strong followers of Catholics and those who do not a bide by the obligations, have to face strict consequences. They believe that their religion gives them power to survive through the crises they come across, in their lives (Isabel, pp. 47-61). The idea of death for Chicanos is unlike the concept of death for any other faith as they have a pleasing relation with the dead. Spanish and Catholic have an immense influence on the concept of death for Chicanos. The traditions and practices include a wide variety of celebrations, amongst which the most significant event celebrated by the people of Chicanos is the ‘Day of the Dead’ (Johnston & Winter, pp. 10-14). It resembles the festival of Halloween, celebrated by Americans but the difference

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

2 - Assignment Example Good West Rubber Corporation, price designation of fair market value was definite enough to support an action for specific performance, since at the signing of the contract; both parties had agreed to use fair market value which would exist at the end of the lease. It is clear that Devine is an intended third party beneficiary of BIW-Dx contract, since according to the common law doctrine of privity of contract defines an intended third party beneficiary as the one whom the terms of contract and the circumstances surrounding the contract manifests intent to benefit. It is clear that Devine was to benefit from the BIW-Dx contract, since NorDx’s results was to determine his accessibility to obtaining a job with Bath Iron Works (BIW). According to Emerson (2009), employees whose job security and reputation have suffered as a result of false test results should be allowed to sue the drug testing labs for tort negligence, since in such situations, the drug-testing labs owe employees duty of care when conducting the tests. As part of this duty of care, it is within the drug-testing labs’ duty to handle employees’ samples and to produce the most accurate result on the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Chicano Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chicano - Essay Example These people belonged to the poorest families in rural areas of Mexico, and did not had any identity in the society, used the term Chicano during the Civil rights Movement in order to amalgamate themselves so that they can be recognized by the world. Chicano descendents reflected distinctive culture of Mexican Americans (Arturo, pp. 197-208). The natives speaking slang language with different pronunciations mocked these people, which was an insult for them. The basis of Chicano was contradictory, as the pronunciation and spelling of Spanish language revolutionized causing discrepancy in differentiating between Chicano and Mexicano, but it was apparent that the word Chicano did not have any effect from this language change. The dual identity of Chicanos entails that these people have neither U.S. origin nor they reflect the Mexican society. This combination of customs of both the nations makes them strive for their acceptance into the American society while retaining their Mexican tra ditions and practices (Arturo, pp. 41-55). A culture reflects the traditions, beliefs, practices, customs, and lifestyles of any society or race. Likewise, Chicano also pertain a diversified culture (Isabel, pp. 63-67). The aspects of Chicano culture are mainly literature, arts, and music. ... 47-61). The people of Chicano possess a very simple yet a colorful lifestyle. The life of Chicanos does not characterize by technology; therefore, they depend upon natural resources to acquire information. These people have poor housing and do not have the access to health facilities. Because of the cultural restrictions, Chicanos have to marry a person of opposite sex within the same race (Isabel, pp. 23-38). They have a strong family relationship, where members are interdependent, and elders are open to suggestions from youngster. Chicano cuisine is famous for its dishes that are very delicious due to inclusion of variety of chilies in it. The basic sources of food such as beans, corn, and peppers are present in huge quantities in their food. The people consume simple, healthy, balanced, and short meals on specific times during the day. Life, death, family bonding, and religious practices are of prime importance to them. They are strong followers of Catholics and those who do not a bide by the obligations, have to face strict consequences. They believe that their religion gives them power to survive through the crises they come across, in their lives (Isabel, pp. 47-61). The idea of death for Chicanos is unlike the concept of death for any other faith as they have a pleasing relation with the dead. Spanish and Catholic have an immense influence on the concept of death for Chicanos. The traditions and practices include a wide variety of celebrations, amongst which the most significant event celebrated by the people of Chicanos is the ‘Day of the Dead’ (Johnston & Winter, pp. 10-14). It resembles the festival of Halloween, celebrated by Americans but the difference

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Work Performance and Employee Well Being Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Work Performance and Employee Well Being - Essay Example Work performance and well-being of an employee have a cause and effect relationship with each other that runs both ways. Well-being is both a cause and effect of good work performance. On one hand, when an employee is psychologically and physically healthy, he/she is able to deliver his/her best at work and thus his/her work performance is enhanced. On the other hand, good performance at work leads to better reputation of the employee in the organization so that the employee feels good while at work. Similarly, good work performance is both a cause and effect of well-being. When an individual shows good performance at work, he/she finds interest in work. This interest helps him/her work hard so that he/she earns the trust and confidence of the employer. As a result of this, the owner appreciates the efforts of the employee by rewarding him/her through increase of wages, additional benefits with wage, and/or a higher position in the workplace. â€Å"People’s experiences at work affect how they feel about themselves, how they interact with their families and friends, how they use their leisure t ime, how anxious they are about the future and so on† (Fairhurst and O’Connor, n.d., p. 2). Any kind of reward increases the level of happiness of the employee and the employee’s overall well-being is enhanced. Work performance of an individual is an outcome of several variables that include but are not limited to the physical and mental health of the employee, the eligibility and competence of the employee in the work, the employee’s qualification and experience in the similar kind of work, and most importantly, the employee’s level of motivation. Of all of these factors, employee’s well-being is the most fundamental factor that affects his/her performance because if an employee does not feel well, he/she might not arrive at the work at the first place. â€Å"Having healthy employees is

Monday, October 14, 2019

Participative Management Essay Example for Free

Participative Management Essay In the corporate world, management style has shifted from scientific management to participatory management. While scientific principles of management underlines communication, leadership and participation , participatory management is anchored on the need for quality management, good relationship with the workers, building teams and integrated organizational structures. Research has shown that the following benefits can be accrued from participatory management. Firstly, it can result to the decline in absenteeism and turnover while enhancing attraction and retention of workers since they have a feeling of ownership in the organization. It also promotes effective and efficient conveyance of information between the management and the employee at all levels in the organization. (Yeatts, Hyten, 1998, p. 16). Elsewhere, it makes everyone to feel a stake order in the decision making process. Additionally, it reduces the cases of internal disagreements and wrangles since the workers interact without suspicion and consider each other a brother/sister. Participative management helps to widen the scope of skills of the staff and enhances innovations and designing of efficient ways and procedures for tasks. Finally, it motivates and gives job satisfaction to the workers ((Yeatts, Hyten, 1998, p. 29). On the other hand, participatory management has some demerits that have been evident in organizations which have implemented it. To begin with, most employees do not accept the responsibility of making decision for the organizations and instead they like being told what to do. At the same time, some of the workers are illiterate and not versed with the tasks of the organization hence they require training. Others demand pay if included in decision making. It requires the participation of many people thus making decision making to go slow resulting to inefficiency (Yeatts, Hyten, 1998, p. 37). In conclusion therefore, participatory management is of great benefit to both private and public sectors. It is the best for the newly founded organizations towards struggle for their survival through competitive advantages.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

san antonio miss :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tour of San Antonio The Missions of Texas   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While in San Antonio there are five missions you, as a tourist, need to see. These missions are the mission of Nuestra Senora de la Purissima Concepcion, the San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo, the Mission San Juan Capistrano, San Franciscode la Espada, and Mission San Antonio de Valero, The Alamo. They are all a great part of the state of Texas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Mission Concepcion was first built in East Texas in 1716, but they only stayed there for fifteen years do to hardships. After this it and two other missions moved to San Antonio. The missions were rebuilt on the San Antonio river on March 5, 1731. While Concepcion was built in east Texas just out of logs and thatch the new Conception was built to last it is still standing today. It was built so well it is the only mission in San Antonio that the walls, roofs, and other major structures have never collapsed. The Concepcion is not only the oldest standing stone church in Texas but in the nation. â€Å"Father Habig, historian for the Franciscan Order, states un-equivocally that ‘it is the oldest church of the Immaculate Concepcion of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the United States† (saconservation 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many Indians came with Concepcion mission to San Antonio to start a new life. The Padres and the Indians built rough temporary structures made of thatched roofs to accommodate their living and worship needs. They planted crops and dug irrigation ditches for their food to eat. As they built permanent mission. They built the Concepcion mission in the design of the general mission plan of the time period. In time the Mission became a community. The Indians and the Padres built a stone wall around the mission compound. (saconservation 1) â€Å"Inside the enclosure were the usual buildings of the missions: a stone granary, a friary or convento for the priests apartments along the outer walls for the Indian families, various workshops and, of course, the church itself † (saconservation 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While the permanent church was being built the people of the Concepcion Mission were having worship in temporary structures. The church was started in 1740, and completed and dedicated on December 8, 1755. Early church record describe the church in detail. (saconservation 1) â€Å"It was cruciform building of stone and mortar, having a vaulted roof with cupola, or dome, and two similar towers topped by crosses of Iron.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Traditions in A Moment Before the Gun Went Off and The Lottery :: Shirley Jackson Lottery

In the stories "A Moment before The Gun Went Off" and "The Lottery," there is the situation in which a group of people cling to traditions very blindly. In both stories the traditions are so dug into the people's way of life that questioning them is considered sacrilege within these communities. Furthermore, the members of the community no longer even remember why the traditions were set up in the fist place. They follow the traditions simply because their predecessors followed the traditions. Another similarity between the communities in both stories is, even though these traditions are firmly entrenched in these communities, they are rapidly losing there grip in other communities. This detail is not only mentioned in both stories, but looked down upon by communities that still follow the traditions. In the story "The Lottery," the tradition is to hold a lottery on a specific summer day, but instead of winning a cash prize or some other good thing, the winner gets to be stoned to death by the members of the community. The character that is mentioned most in this story is one by the name of Mrs. Hutchinson. Mrs. Hutchinson is a devoted mother and housewife. She is the one who eventually gets singled out to win the lottery. So it is Mrs. Hutchinson who is impacted the most brutally by the lottery. However the other people of the village are affected differently by the lottery. It is very unlikely that the people of the village kill people for the sake of killing people. More likely there is a deeper reason. One possibility is that the people of this village of this village are looking for a scapegoat. A person to take the blame for mistakes and sins of others, so one person dies for a community and saves the community from whatever sins that had been committed. The society can be affected in many ways by the lottery. Other neighbor societies have been affected by the lottery, many have abandoned the tradition of the lottery. Even in the community where the story takes place many of the rituals that go along with the lottery are fading into the past to be forgotten forever. An example of this would be the chant that originally went with the

Friday, October 11, 2019

Book Fair Essay

The theme of this year’s book fair was â€Å"E-books† keeping in mind the increasing number of IT- savvy younger generation with a penchant for internet, mobile-phones and other reader-friendly digital gizmos. It attracted over 230 participants from India and Abroad. The overseas participants were from China, Pakistan, UK and USA. The fair provided a unique platform for business-to-business transactions, establishing new contacts, entering into co-publishing arrangements, reprinting of old and rare books. The visitor profile at the fair included national and international publishers, librarian, researchers, academicians, writers, students and book lovers. Entry ticket for adults was Rs.20/- per ticket while the same for children/students(with I.D.) was Rs.10/- per ticket. For the convenience of visitors, free shuttle service was also available between the entry gates and fair venue. Besides, the facility of wheelchair with attendant was also provided for convenience of physically challenged. Hon’ble Lt. Governor of Delhi Shri Tejendra Khanna inaugurated the fair on 1st sept,12 at the auditorium, Hall No. 8,Pragati Maidan,New Delhi. Chairperson and Managing director, ITPO, Smt. Rita Menon, president FIP, Sri Sudhir Malhotra, executive director , ITPO, Sri Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Director Delhi Book Fair, FIP, Sri Shakti Mallik, ITPO, Sri B.L. Meena Diplomats, senior ITPO Officials, besides representatives of participating companies from India and Abroad were present on the occasion. Complimenting ITPO and FIP for institutionalizing a book event of international stature, Sri Tejendra in his inaugural address, pointed out  the significant role played by books in achieving global integration by building litrary bridged across the socio-cultural, linguistic and religious diversities.It was observed that basically book fulfill three functions , acquisition of knowledge, entertainment and inspiration. Sri Khanna appealed to the publishers to bring out books tha are constructive, secular and progressive in outlook as books have a significant role in shaping the next generation. Welcoming overseas exhibitors from China, Pakistan, UK and USA, he expessed the hope that the fair would give a fillip to enhance international collaborations in publishing and business transactions. He also voiced optimism that the upcoming redevelopment project of a world class integrated exhibition-cum-convention complex in Pragati Maidan would open new avenues of trade promotion. Delhi Book Fair 2012 was supplemented by a no. of seminars,workshops, poetry, and litrary evenings and book launches. The subject of concurrent seminars and workshops included : â€Å"Topper secrets of success† by AIETS, â€Å"Digital Book Market in India† by qbend LLC, â€Å"Telling Tales to Children† by NBT, â€Å"Literature and Values† by Authors Guild of India, â€Å"Public Libraries† by the Indian Library Association, â€Å"Discover the Genius in Your child† by AIETS. The workshops will be on â€Å"E-publishing† by digital media initiatives and â€Å"Mind Power Tool Intellectual Property in information age†. Besides, an exclusive program on â€Å"Strategies for Success In Your Application to American Universities, American Embassy, ‘A complete ERP solution for printing and publishing Industry’ by UNEECOPS and ‘Kitab Tere Roop Anek’ by Bachpan society and FIP was also held during the Fair. A unique feature of this Delhi Book Fair was the Screening of films based on novels of selected Indian Authors at the Shakuntalam convention centre, Pragati Maidan. As its tribute to some famous authors whose works have inspired the making of celluloid masterpieces over the last 100 years. ITPO organized a special screening of nine feature films in hindi and some regional languages during the Delhi Book Fair. The films were Duniya Ne Mane(Hindi), Meghe Dhaka Tara(Bengali), Guide(Hindi), Samskara(Kannada), Umbartha(Marathi), Vidheyan(Malyalam),Slumdog Millionaire(English),  Parineeta(Hindi), 3 Idiots(hindi). Entry to the film was free and on first come first basis. The Archie’s store attracted many small kids and students as it offered variety of gift items at heavy discount it included stuff toys, show pieces, Mugs, Key Chains and many other items. Large areas were covered with mats for visitors to get some rest after walking from stall to stall. A cafeteria was also there. As compared to the previous editions, the Delhi Book Fair 2012 attracted additional footfalls on account of the popular event, the 14th edition of stationary fair . The display profile of the fair was organized in Hall no. 12A and covered a wide range of stationary items, including writing instruments, materials, pens, pencils sketch pens, erasers, geometry boxed, drawing and painting material, crayons, paints, brushes, computer related stationary items. Other items which featured at stationary fair included office supplies, files, file covers/boards, labels, photocopy paper, staplers, highlighters, diaries, calendars, adhesives, writing pads, material for seminars, conferences, stationary packing machines and materials etc. After attracting legions of visitors, Delhi Book Fair 2012 concluded successfully on September 9, 2012. Sri Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Executive director, ITPO presented the awards for excellence in display to the winners at the fair. Present on the occasion were Sri B.L. Meena, Officer on Special Duty, ITPO, participants and media persons. Trophies were also awarded for excellence in display in the Stationary Fair with E-Monte pens bagging the gold, Pacific paper products the silver, the Srinivas Fine Art the bronze. Later speaking to the media, Sri Gupta said that ITPO would andeavour to hold future editions of the Book Fair on the larger format with cooperation and the support of all the sections of the book trade and Industry. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Sri B.L. Meena, OSD and ITPO.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Management Theories Scott Straughan

Investigate the development of management as a theory and discipline. Asses the relevance of these theories to modern day managers and identify the key management skills that will be of importance to the manager of the millennium. For the purpose of this essay modern day manager shall mean managers of the present day. Management skills are skills that managers need to be good at there work. In this essay I will be investigating management theories at the start of this century, then looking at the progression of management up until the present day, this will include research carried out by a number of people which gave growth to HRM as we know it today. I will then identify key management skills in these theories and assess their relevance to today†s management, I will also identify the management skills required in today†s workforce. At the turn of the century there were a lot of important developments in management. Oil companies (standard oil trust) and (u.s. steel, the first 1 billion dollar company) were rapidly expanding. Smaller and medium sized companies had to improve efficiency in order to survive against the big giants. Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) began to look at the measurement of work, he broke down each task to find out how long it would take, he then planned ahead for numbers of workers wanted and what training they would need, he then decided what wages the workers were worth accordingly to what they accomplished. At the same time Henry ford (1896-1947) reduced his chassis assembly time from twelve and a half hours to ninety three minutes through using these methods. Managers were starting to plan ahead more to increase efficiency, as competition increased researchers began to look at other ways of improving efficiency even more, they started to look at the working environment. Elton mayo (1880-1949) carried out the ‘Hawthorne experiments†, they looked at relationships in the workplace and working conditions. Mayo found that peoples needs and attitudes had much more of an influence on productivity than the efficiency of the production line itself, this was called the human relations approach and is widely used today. The Hawthorne experiments looked at four areas :- 2. The relay assembly group experiments The purpose was to increase productivity. The illumination experiments looked at lighting and heating, mayo found even in poor working conditions productivity was still higher than average, the workers were working harder because someone was taking an interest in them. The relay assembly group experiments took six female workers and gave them there own separate areas to work in, they were given regular breaks and freedom to talk. The person who studied them also worked as their supervisor, the workers were consulted before any changes were made, and productivity was massively increased, again due to the fact someone was taking an interest in them. The bank wiring group studies involved fourteen male workers and was very similar to the relay assembly group experiments. Finally he carried out the interviewing program, this involved interviewing every worker (21,000 in total), they were asked about their opinion of the company they worked for and their attitudes towards their managers, the results were closely analysed afterwards. Mayo had found a way to increase productivity through better working relations and better working conditions. Productivity increased as a result of the following :- Due to better working relations groups of workers worked harder, but what about personnel motivation During the war most of the young men were fighting, managers had to keep up with an incredible demand, they were given older retired workers and women, women had never been widely employed in factories before this time. Managers looked to researchers to get the maximum effort out of workers. Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) argued people do not just work for money, but for basic needs such as shelter, food for survival, and higher needs such as self esteem and confidence. This is called Maslows hierarchy of needs, Maslow describes fives types of needs arranged in a hierarchy, Maslow assumed people always wanted more, one level should be the motivator to the next. 1. Physical needs – basic needs such as food, water, shelter, air, rest, and sex. 2. Safety needs – freedom from fear of threats, security and stability (pensions and healthcare) 3. Social needs – the need for acceptance within a group, friendship, love affection and comfort when feeling down. 4. Esteem needs – the need for achievement and recognition, respect for yourself. Managers can achieve this through training and development. 5. Self actualisation needs – the need for a person to achieve their full potential, accomplishment and growth. Not everyone meets these needs through work, some might gain them through social activities with friends, and an activity such as playing in a football team may achieve this. However some people are happy after achieving the first level and are not motivated to the next level, while others strive to improve themselves, this was the flaw in Maslows theory. More researchers began to look at HRM, there was still a lot to be discovered, Maslow had started the work and now more people were following in his footsteps, they started to look at positive thinking and the way management treated workers. Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) looked at traditional management styles compared to newer ones, these were called theory x and theory y. He found old methods assumed people did not want to work, had to be closely supervised and did not take much pride in their work, this was called theory x, theory y was completely the opposite and argued people did want to work and got a lot of satisfaction from taking pride in their work. McGregor argued â€Å"if you treat workers as responsible and intelligent people who want to work, that is the way they will behave†. He also looked at achievers and successful people and suggested these people took responsibility for their work and set themselves moderate achievable goals, low achievers came from poor cultural backgrounds, poor education and felt they could not achieve any goals they set, they could however be achievers through training and development. we have looked at the development of management from the early 1900†³s up until present day. All management styles traditional or modern focus on efficiency and productivity. Traditional management includes bureaucratic management which relies very much on rules, procedures, discipline and hierarchy, this causes a clear division between workers and management and causes low productivity. Scientific management focused on the â€Å"one best way† to do a job and did not take into account that workers know how to do their work better than management, again this method causes low productivity. Modern day managers have regular meeting with staff to discuss any problems they have, and identify help where it is needed. This is Japanese style management e which emphasizes on HRM and increasing productivity, modern management still uses a lot of traditional theories though. Technology is rapidly changing management with the introduction of computers, global communications and the Internet. The skills a modern day manager needs are changing as rapid as technology, the workplace is becoming more informal where we socialise as well as work. Traditional management was strict with rules and authority which workers were afraid of, there was no contact between management and workers and it seemed they both had completely different goals to achieve. Companies now work together as a teem with a common goal of increasing profit. Modern day managers are flexible to meet employees needs, they motivate and encourage workers to succeed, they have confidence, charisma and are patient. Managers should posses counselling skills and nurture there workers, this is a more feminine approach and are called soft skills. Do modern day managers bear any relevance to traditional skills Although traditional management styles seem prehistoric compared to today they are still relevant, Maslows hierarchy of needs can be compared to the corporate ladder, more people choose careers instead of just a job. Mayo†s Hawthorne experiments eventually led to laws being made on working conditions (Health and safety at work act). McGregor†s theory x and theory y, all managers now assume people want to work and take pride in it to. If asked which is the most relevant I would argue Maslow, most people can relate to his theories as the corporate ladder and I feel it is widely used now as a personnel motivator for employees. As the millennium approaches managers are forming even closer links with employees with the use of soft skills. Companies invest a lot of money in training of staff and can receive grants from the government for this purpose, appraisals are now widely used to coach and motivate staff. Managers are empowering workers more to supervise themselves and be responsible for their own workload, this is partly because more people are working from home with new technology. Business is now thriving thanks to the work of researchers at the start of the century.

Personal advert Essay

Having paced some years on this planet, I have discovered that life is for the tough and tender. I grew within the limbs and caprices of my parents who trained with finest informal education that an average parent can afford. Although they belong to the middle class with respect to income, they run first-class with educational desires for their kids. I was not left out of this dream of training intense and intelligent children who can contribute effectively to the socio-economic development of the immediate and larger society. I absorbed this training amidst tears but today, I can remember that nothing cheap is good and nothing good is cheap; that the hard working but patient man will one day walk with confidence in gratitude to God, parents and teachers. Why? Because he has been duly trained. My training has made me who I am today: a calm diligent person who respect for everyone; I have an unflinching interest in community development and I have participated in several volunteer works in youth counseling and support. My doggedness for excellence will pave way for me as I stride ahead, living not just for myself but for those around. This is because in making others happy, that’s where fulfillment begins. A. Why would someone advertise themselves for a date? This is important as an avenue to boost the individual status. It creates an elevated status, provides basic information for the other party, and forms a good basis on which to interprets and understand the person. And the person might just want to set the game straight so that the date covers remaining angles. B. What could be an advantage and a disadvantage to this dating strategy? The advantage is that it provides basic information about the individual. The disadvantage is that it can make the other person to become bias, removing the surprise and personal discovery that adds glamour to dating strategy. C. Does this dating strategy encourage or discourage homogamy? This dating strategy tends to encourage homogamy, as one is apparently aware of the information of the other. D. Is it easy or difficult to write an advertisement about yourself? Why or why not? It is not difficult to write a persona advertisement about oneself: if one is sincere with personal data and self-discovery, it is a quite an easy do to. However, there will areas one may overlook that others can see and write about. E. How does exchange theory apply to this dating strategy? It combines efficiency, self-discovery and the principles of human interactions to give a boost to the strategy. It creates a viable platform to foster dating.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Movie Indusrty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Movie Indusrty - Essay Example The colleges offer specialized courses where students are imparted with skills relative to their interests. Professionals with perfected skills make the movie industry more reliable (Lumet, 2003). Secondly, education enhances growth of skill. To become a good actor or actress, one needs to work hard towards perfecting his/her performance. Talent is important for an actor or actress and school only enhances the individual’s ability to take a part and be it. It assists a person to perfect his act. To become a good director, one also needs to be a good manager as they are supposed to manage the movie making process. Directors supervise everything from the financials of the casting and shooting to the actors and actresses, until the movie is completed and is ready for viewing. Producers require a good eye for detail. They need to be well trained in the arts. To be a good producer, he or she should be a good decision maker and a prompt thinker. There are other professions in the movie industry as it is in other industries, such as accountants, business managers, talent scouts and agents (Goldman, 2007). The movie industry is a billion dollar industry and more often than not, professionals give back to the communities in terms of donations, scholarships and even inspiration. There are other ways in which the educational sector benefits but these are among the direct benefits (Medavoy & Young, 2010). In conclusion, it is right to note that the movie industry has benefited most from the educational sector and will continue to do so as more breakthroughs in arts and science come about. The educational sector will also continue to enjoy kick backs from the movie industry as it produces more and more professionals for the movie

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Case report need to add theory relvent to the discussion Essay

Case report need to add theory relvent to the discussion - Essay Example The next section deals with the analysis of the case. The analysis begins by listing down the organizational structure being followed by the organization before 1995 when restructuring took place. This is followed by the shortcomings of this organizational structure. The changes which were done by the organization as result of these shortcomings in the organizational structure are discussed next in the case. The benefits which were obtained by the firm as a result of these changes are also discussed. The last section of the report deals with recommendations to the Shell group in order to make the process of restructuring much more efficient. The paper concluded with the conclusion section which provides us with all major learning’s that have been obtained from the case. Royal Dutch Shell PLC is a multinational joint venture corporation comprising two founding companies, Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. of The Hague, Netherlands. And Shell Transport and Trading Co., PLC, of London. Although starting as rivals, the two companies merged in 1907 as Royal Dutch/Shell Group, which acquired producing concerns in the Middle East, the Americas, and Eastern Europe, including Romania and Russia. It is engaged mainly in oil and natural gas. At present its five business segments are as follows: 1) exploration and production (E&P), an upstream activity that explores, recovers, and produces oil and natural gas worldwide; 2) gas and power, where it liquefies and transports natural gas to customers, as well as turns natural gas into cleaner-burning synthetic fuels; 3) oil sands, where bitumen is extracted and converted into synthetic crude oils; 4) oil products where a range of petroleum-based products are sold for domestic, transportation and industrial use; and 5) chemi cals, which produces petrochemicals for industrial use. The case deals with the organizational changes that the company had to go through.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Euthanasia and Kants Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Euthanasia and Kants Morality - Essay Example Legally, assisted suicide has been justified on certain grounds, for example in countries such as the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and in the State of Oregon in the United States (McKean 1). This does not however change the fact that for most people the issue of euthanasia is fundamentally not about giving mercy. It is still the â€Å"killing† part that raises the hackles for most people. Mercy (or compassion) and killing (with an intent to kill, it can still be considered murder) are still clearly contradictory, i.e., posed in the very simplistic, yet lucid question: how could you possibly help someone you love or care about kill himself? How could mercy or love ever be allied with the destruction of life, no matter how little remains of it? The morality of any act according to Kant’s well-known adage of the categorical imperative only suffices if it can be raised as a universal law (Kant, Groundwork of The Metaphysics of Morals). To assist someone who wants to di e will almost never impel that unconditional sense of rightness, but instead the situation will almost always look at the conditionality of how a particular situation may be acted upon. This action is the opposite of what can be found in the morality of the categorical imperative. A thing according to Kantian morality is right because it is independent of any external cause. In the case of euthanasia, the external cause takes the forms of the mercy or a sense of â€Å"duty† to let a person die in dignity, or respect the wishes of someone who wants to end his life.... sion may be high due to a seemingly hopeless situation be trusted in deciding that life is better ended Is he or she an "autonomous" person in this case On the other hand, can a caregiver or a doctor with a close relationship with a terminally ill and suffering patient be looked at as merely performing a duty to respect the decision to die of someone he or she cares about Is it duty or is it something else The concept of autonomy or the sense of freedom and the principle of duty in Kant's theory of morality provide analytical tools to examine whether euthanasia is morally defensible. Autonomy and dignity, which are based upon the premise that a human being is free by way of reason to decide on what is wrong or right, have been used to justify euthanasia. Conversely, this line of reasoning suggests that the autonomy or dignity of a patient who expresses that life-prolonging treatments or care violate his or her sense of dignity as a human being should be respected. According to Kant, men are moral beings because by virtue of being free and capable of reason. However, he qualifies the term freedom, and explains further that there is a "negative" and "positive" sense of freedom. He wrote, "The sole principle of morality consists in the independence on all matter of the law (namely, a desired object), and in the determination of the elective will by the mere universal legislative form of which its maxim must be capable. This independence is freedom in the negative sense, and this self-legislation of the pure, and therefore practical reason is freedom in the positive sense" (Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, Book 1, chap.1, par 85). On both counts, whether in the negative or positive sense, the patient who is supposedly the originator of a decision that would

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Uberrimae Fides in Marine Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Uberrimae Fides in Marine Insurance - Essay Example This has left the concerned authorities to critically analyze the nature, history, application and scope of Uberrima Fides in Marine Insurance. In broader terms Uberrima Fides is used to disclose all the material that is to be traded through marines. For instance, as per this law both the parties i.e. issuer and receiver has to mention all the peculiar details to the insurer in order to certify that the traded material does not violate any of the marine insurance laws. Furthermore, there is full duty to the facts and figures of the disclosed material because majority of the information about enclosed material is kept hidden by the two parties. However, under this law they are obliged to mention each and every detail of the materials enclosed3. A lot of goods including machines, plants, household or commercial products are transported either by land, sea or air4. This merchandize incurs some transportation cost commonly known as fright charges and the law which covers all the indemnit y or destruction of cargo is the Marine Insurance. The Marine Insurance companies either operating privately or in association with the government agencies have to make certain that the goods they are transporting are not violating the rules and regulations of the marine transportation through any means5. For this purpose they make use of Uberrima Fides in order to seek details of the disclosed material from the applicants of marine insurance. Though it seems very simple to mention details about the disclosed material from the insurer’s point of view, yet it is a very complex and highly law governing procedure which needs to be done under the obligations set by Uberrimae Fides6. The duty of Uberrima Fides in Marine Insurance The Duty of Uberrimae Fides in Marine Insurance was created hundreds of years back by the British Marine Forces in order to keep check and ascertain the insurance of transported material through marines. As per the Marine Law, vestigial insurance is used so as to define Uberrimae Fides7. Since insuring the risk of damage and destruction during the cargo transportation is a crucial matter and involves high level of complexities therefore historically Uberrima Fides were used to insure that highest standards of Good Faith are maintained between both the parties. Moreover, on the economic grounds Uberrimae Fides provides protection to the insurers through which they are no longer in danger due to insuring some poor or damageable material8. For instance, when centuries ago British Marines were used to allow transportation of goods through sea there was no law to certify the risks of damage and the associated agencies were forced to rely upon the information provided by the issuer of goods. Hence, if during the sail some damages occurred then insurer had to compensate those damages. Therefore it was found necessary to make laws in order to obtain peculiar information related to the goods to be transported9. Nature of Uberrima Fides The n ature of Uberrimae fides is of pre contractual duty. It is an obligatory procedure by which both the parties have to make certain that the good they are issuing or receiving through marine transportation will not incur unnecessary damages and compensations to the marine insurance companies10. Uberrimae Fides is functioned somewhat in the same way as the misrepresentation is operated in fraudulent

Friday, October 4, 2019

Recognizing Contract Risk and Opportunities Essay - 2

Recognizing Contract Risk and Opportunities - Essay Example In contract management process compliance is the most difficult part because the capacity to implement conformity internally (employees) and externally (suppliers) is rigid in the overall management process. In the highly expanding economic world, businesses are frequently under pressure to conform to internal and external aspects. They require negotiating for contracts instead of going to courts to ensure the execution of contracts since they are expensive and involve long process. All the companies are responsible to fulfilling the contracts as failure to comply contributes to the breach of contract in terms of poor performance and organizational alterations. Hence, it is important for organizations to bargain for prevention measures to do away with contract disputes with emphasis on delivery schedule, technical performance and scope of the organization which in the long run will set the organization free from contractual responsibilities. However, most of these businesses lack the critical concepts to monitor and manage the contracts. Hence, the establishment of Upside contract to impose the contractual agreements such as the operational compliance which guarantees that all the enterprise employees adhere to the policies and standards concerning the contract obligations and negotiations. Supplier compliance ensures that the suppliers conform to the terms of the contract including maintenance program and discounts on quantities purchased. Regulatory compliance aims at ensuring that all set out legislations are complied all the business enterprise entering into a contract. In any business traction a contract is a milestone as it depicts the association between the constricting entities state the stipulations and conditions for goods and services. It’s important to note that contracts have many difficulties for a given business including loss of savings, opportunities and liability as result of

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Third ; Final Continent Themes Essay Example for Free

The Third ; Final Continent Themes Essay Everybody feels he must get to the top. Dont expect an English cup of tea. Car horns, shrill and prolonged, blared one after another. Flashing sirens heralded endless emergencies, and a fleet of buses rambled past their doors opening and closing with a powerful hiss, throughout the night. The noise was constantly distracting, at times suffocating. ) The Indian immigrants fear of losing his own culture. In 1969, when I was thirty- six years old, my own marriage was arranged. The fact that he had an arranged marriage proves he doesnt want to lose his culture and go the Western way. 3) The methods of steps of copying to a new culture and a new life in America. In a week I had adjusted, more or less. I ate cornflakes and milk morning and night, and bought some bananas for variety, slicing them into the bowl with the edge of my spoon. In addition I bought tea bags and a flask, which the salesman in Woolworths eferred to as a thermos (a flask, he informed me, was used to store whiskey, another thing I had never consumed). For the price of one cup of tea at a coffee shop, I filled the flask with boiling water on the way to work each morning, and brewed the four cups I drank in the course of the day. I bought a larger carton of milk, and learned to leave it on the shaded part of the windowsill, as I had seen other residents at the YMCA do. To pass the time in the evenings I read the Boston Globe downstairs, in a spacious room with stained-glass windows. I read every article and advertisement, so that I would grow familiar with things, and when my eyes grew tired I slept. Questions 1) Explain how the narrators last visit to Mrs. Croft is significant. Give two reasons. Support your answer with the phrases/words. The narrator and his wife, Mala, had visited Mrs. Croft one last time. During this visit, Mrs. Croft acted as an icebreaker. She broke the tension between Mala and the narrator. Ever since Mala arrived, the narrator saw her as a part of his life, a duty. At the visit, Mrs. Croft asked the narrator question, which led to him answering with, Splendid! This caused Mala to laugh and Mrs. Croft wondered who she was. After a slight introduction, Mrs. Croft replied with, She is a perfect lady! causing Mala and the narrator to look at each other and smile. The moment with Mrs. Croft, was described by the narrator as the moment when the distance between Mala and me began to lessen. 2) Explain the title of the short story. The title shows that the narrator could survive life on three continents, while adapting perfectly. This title means to show readers that feats can be accomplished f they are set out to be. If the narrator could survive on three continents, then people for the narrator to finally adapt in America. 3) Depict how the narrators relationship with Mala evolved. The writers relationship with Mala first started out as tense. He felt that his marriage was like a job, something he had to wake up to and live with for the rest of his day till he went to sleep, and the cycle continued for as long as they were married. There was no feeling or love, it was Just a step taken by Indians in order to feel secure in their lives. It was their sense of security in the world, and marriage was their way of dealing. When Mrs. Croft exclaimed that Mala was a perfect lady I think both the narrator and Mala realized that if Mrs. Croft could learn to accept something new so quickly, then they could learn to embrace a new relationship. And so, the eventually fell in love, gotten used to each other, and led a happy marriage with a son who lived up to his Bengali parents expectations which sticking to the Indian culture, even all the way at Harvard.